Confucius statue, Beijing

B i o g r a p h y

This section of the website will allow you to find out more about the life of the Great Master. The biography has been divided up into distinct areas to make your search about certain aspects of his life that much easier. The Compendium offers a brief insight into Confucius' life. For a more in-depth discovery of the life and times of Confucius, we suggest you look through the links section for relevant books about Confucius. However, this area should provide you with enough elementary knowledge about Confucius for now. Click on the words in the navigation bar, or else click the small yin-yang to return to the main page and the main navigation bar.

"I will not be afflicted at men's not knowing me; I will be afflicted that I do not know men."

[Confucius, The Analects 1:16]