An armillary sphere at the ancient observatory in Beijing

C o n f u c i a n  T i m e l i n e

The influence of Confucius and ru jia on China, Chinese culture and other East Asian countries and regions like Korea, Japan, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong is truly amazing. This section sets out where Confucius himself began and finished, along with how his philosophical tradition preceded and carried on after him. This will hopefully demonstrate how the philosophy (and potentially religion) affected so many people and for such a long time reaching up to the present day and beyond. Click on the "Chinese Dynasties" to see how Confucian thought affected each era of Chinese history; click "Confucius's China" for an understanding of the time period Confucius lived in; and click "China's Confucius" to see how Confucianism lived on and continues to today not just in China but across the globe. Click the small yin-yang to return to the main menu.

"When you study the occult and perform miracles, later generations always tell about it.
This I won't do."

[Confucius, The Doctrine of the Mean B:11]